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Reconciliation: Banking Information

User Roles:




Program Components:



This section provides an overview of the following topics:

Introduction to Reconciliation: Banking Information

The purpose of Reconciliation: Banking Information is to obtain final confirmation of the Banking Information associated with the application. Before the final Reconciliation payment is requested, Plan Sponsors must review the current Banking Information listed in the application and compare it to their records. 

If Banking Information is changed, the Authorized Representative will be required to approve or reject the Banking Information in Reconciliation: Review & Submit. This ensures that the Authorized Representative understands where the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment will be sent and provides confirmation of that information.

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Timing & Dependencies

If the Reconciliation Deadline for an application is 14 days away or less, Banking Information must be changed in the Reconciliation: Banking Information step. 

After Reconciliation is initiated, Banking Information can only be updated in Reconciliation: Banking Information, not through the Application Submission Process.

Reconciliation: Banking Information cannot be started until all prior Reconciliation steps have been completed. Reconciliation: Banking Information must be marked "Complete" on the Left Navigation menu to proceed to Reconciliation: Review & Submit.

Note: It can take up to six days for CMS' RDS Center to validate Banking Information confirmed in Reconciliation: Banking Information. The Authorized Representative may proceed with Reconciliation: Review & Submit during this validation process.

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User Roles

Reconciliation: Banking Information can only be completed by the Account Manager, the Authorized Representative, or Designee with both the Complete Banking Information and the Request Payment privileges.

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Communication for Reconciliation: Banking Information

When Reconciliation: Banking Information is complete, CMS' RDS Center sends the Authorized Representative an email alerting them to complete Reconciliation: Review & Submit.

If the Authorized Representative rejects the Banking Information in Reconciliation: Review & Submit, the Account Manager and Designee with the Complete Banking Information privilege must return to the Reconciliation: Banking Information step to make the necessary changes. The Authorized Representative must communicate this to appropriate individuals outside of the Secure Website. Reconciliation: Banking Information is marked "Incomplete" until the user recompletes the step.

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Reviewing and Editing Banking Information

Reconciliation: Banking Information displays the EFT Information that was entered for the application prior to initiating Reconciliation. If any of the fields need to be updated, select Manage Banking Information. Once all fields have been reviewed and determined to be accurate, this step can be completed.

Account Information

  • Bank Name
  • Account Type
  • Organization Name Associated with the Account
  • Account Number
    • The Account Number is located at the bottom of a check (do not use an Account Number from a deposit slip). Include any leading zeroes.
  • Bank Routing Number
    • The Bank Routing Number is located at the bottom of a check (do not use an Account Number from a deposit slip). The Bank Routing Number is always 9 digits.

Location of the Account Number and Bank Routing Number as printed on a check

Illustration of a check with sample check number, routing number, and account number. Location of account number is indicated.

Note: The order of the Account Number and the Bank Routing Number may not be exactly the same as the sample image shown here. The Bank Routing Number is always 9 digits.

Bank Contact Information

  • First Name and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Fax Number
  • Email Address

Bank Address

  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip

Banking Pre-note

A banking pre-note, or preauthorization, is a zero-dollar transaction created and sent by CMS' RDS Center to verify that Banking Information has been set up correctly.

If there has been no banking activity within the last 90 days, a pre-note may be sent to verify banking information prior to the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment.

Banking Failure

If CMS' RDS Center's verification of the Banking Information fails, Reconciliation: Banking Information will be set to "Incomplete" with the status of "Error-Needs Attention." The Application Status remains unchanged. An email with instructions on how to proceed is sent to the Authorized Representative, Account Manager, and Designee with the Complete Banking Information privilege.

If the Plan Sponsor is unclear why the supplied Banking Information is rejected, it should confer with the financial institution provided in the application.

When the Banking Information update is complete, CMS' RDS Center sends the Authorized Representative an email alerting them to reapprove the Reconciliation: Banking Information step; the Account Manager and Designee with the Complete Banking Information privilege are copied as well. The Authorized Representative is the only individual who can approve a Reconciliation: Banking Information change after Reconciliation has been completed. 

Reconciliation: Banking Information is marked "Incomplete" until the Banking Information is updated and the Authorized Representative approves the Banking Information change in the Reconciliation: Banking Information step.

Note: After Reconciliation is initiated, Banking Information can only be updated in Reconciliation: Banking Information, not through the Application Submission Process.

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What Happens After This Step Is Complete?

After Reconciliation: Banking Information is complete, the step is marked with a green check mark in the Left Navigation menu to indicate the step is complete. The status of the application remains "Reconciliation Cost Reporting Closed."

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Step-by-Step Instructions

To access the RDS Secure Website and navigate to the Dashboard page, review instructions to access the RDS Secure Website.

On the Dashboard page:

  1. Select In Progress to view a list of all Applications in progress.
  2. Select the Application ID for which you want to view Reconciliation.

    Dashboard page with sample data. In Progress and Application ID links are highlighted.

On the Application Overview page:

  1. Select Reconciliation.

    Application Overview page with sample data. Reconciliation is highlighted in left nav.

On the Reconciliation page:

  1. Select Banking Information.

    Reconciliation page with sample data. Banking Information is highlighted in left nav.

On the Banking Information page:

  1. Review the current banking information for the application. If any of the fields need to be updated, select Manage Banking Information to update the Account Information, Bank Contact Information, or Bank Address. If the information is correct, proceed to Step 27.

    Banking Information page with Manage Banking Information link highlighted.

On the Banking Information page:

  1. Select Edit.

    Banking Information page with Edit button highlighted.

On the Edit Banking Information page:

An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

Update the Account Information as needed:

  1. *Enter the Bank Name.
  2. *Select the Account Type.
  3. *Enter the Organization Name Associated with Account.
  4. *Enter the Account Number.
  5. *Re-enter the Account Number.
  6. *Enter the Bank Routing Number.
  7. *Re-enter the Bank Routing Number.

Enter the Bank Contact Information as needed:

  1. *Enter the First Name.
  2. Enter the Middle Initial.
  3. *Enter the Last Name.
  4. *Enter the Phone Number.
  5. Enter Extension.
  6. Enter the Email Address.
  7. Re-enter the Email Address.

Enter the Bank Address as needed:

  1. *Enter the Street Line 1.
  2. Enter the Street Line 2.
  3. *Enter the City.
  4. *Select the State.
  5. *Enter the Zip Code.
  6. Select Save or select Cancel to return to the Banking Information page without completing this step.

    Edit Banking Information page with form fields and Save button highlighted.

On the Banking Information page:

  1. Select the My Banking Information is correct checkbox.

    Banking Information page with checkbox section highlighted and Complete button disabled.

  2. Select Complete.

    Banking Information page with checkbox selected. Complete button is enabled and highlighted.

On the Review and Submit page:

  1. Banking Information is marked with a green check mark in the Left Navigation menu. The page displays in read-only mode for all users except the Authorized Representative and displays a Warning message stating that "Completing this step will submit the Reconciliation Final Payment Request and will complete Reconciliation."

    Review and Submit page with sample data. Warning message and Banking Information with complete status indicator in left nav are highlighted.

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