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The RDS Secure Website will be unavailable from approximately 8:25 PM ET to 8:55 PM ET on Thursday, 3/13/2025.

Technical Articles

This page contains links to technical articles that provide expert insight on important program topics. The articles give you not only a better understanding of essential information, but also helpful tips for successful RDS participation.

  • User Management is a critical function for individuals administering RDS Plan Sponsor accounts. User Management tasks can only be completed by the Account Manager (AM) and/or the Authorized Representative (AR) in the RDS Secure Website (SWS). As a reminder, AM and AR reassignments do not take effect immediately. 

  • Activating and maintaining Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your RDS Secure Website user account is critical to ensuring your Plan Sponsor meets its Application and Reconciliation Deadlines and experiences all the benefits of participating in the RDS Program.

  • Maintaining access to your RDS Secure Website user account is critical to ensuring your Plan Sponsor meets its Application and Reconciliation Deadlines and experiences all the benefits of participating in RDS. Consequently, it’s important to understand scenarios related to accessing your account.

  • Find out how the Medicare Part D Open Enrollment Period (OEP) can impact your ability to receive subsidy for a covered retiree.

  • Learn what you should do if you change Cost Reporter Vendors.