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The RDS Secure Website will be unavailable from approximately 8:25 PM ET to 8:55 PM ET on Thursday, 3/13/2025.

Reserved Words List

User Roles:






The following table contains strings of numbers, specific words, and word and number combinations that may not be used as RDS passwords. Variations of the reserved words using uppercase and lowercase letters may not be used. 

Note: Passwords can be changed five (5) times in a 24-hour period. If a user changes their password the maximum five (5) times and then locks their account again on the same day, the user cannot change their password to unlock their account until 24 hours have passed. CMS' RDS Center cannot unlock user accounts.

Reserved Words List
Numbers RDS Terms Months Other
098765 CMS January Admin
1234 Drug February L3tM31N
12345678 HCFA March Letmein
43210 Medicaid April Pa55w0rd
567890 Medicare May Pa55word
76543210 Retiree June Passw0rd
X Subsidy July Password
X X August Pwd
X X September QWERTY
X X October Security
X X November System
X X December Welcome

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