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User Roles And Quick Access Reports

User Roles:





The process for requesting delivery of Quick Access Reports (QAR) varies depending on the requester's user role in the RDS Secure Website. Account Managers, Authorized Representatives, and Designees associated with a Plan Sponsor may request delivery using the RDS Secure Website. For step-by-step instructions, go to: Requesting Quick Access Reports - Plan Sponsor Account Manager, Authorized Representative and Designees.


  • QAR can be requested for individual Designees. Individual QAR is necessary when Plan Sponsors assign the Designee as a Cost Reporter for the Plan Sponsor instead of the Vendor. In these cases, the costs reported by the Designee do not have a Vendor designation and therefore do not appear in the Vendor's QAR.

Data Viewable by User Role in Quick Access Reports

Account Managers, Authorized Representatives, and Designees Role

An Account Manager, Authorized Representative, or a Designee Payment Requester can view the following data in Quick Access Reports (QAR):

Summary Report:

  • All assigned Applications
  • One row for each cost reporting source and Benefit Option
  • One row for each Benefit Option not assigned to a Vendor, but a Vendor submitted a Cost Report
  • All Applications less than 90 days past their Reconciliation Deadline

Cost Report Exception Detail Report:

  • Cost Reports submitted by Connect:Direct only
  • One row displays per exception
  • Rejected Cost Reports for all assigned Applications
  • Cost Reports submitted in the last 45 days
  • The last rejected Cost Report for the Benefit Option

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A Plan Sponsor Designee Cost Reporter can view the following data in QAR:

Summary Report:

  • Only Applications listing the Designee as a Cost Reporter
  • One row for each Benefit Option assigned to the Designee
  • Only cost data submitted by the Plan Sponsor (no Vendor data)
  • All Applications less than 90 days past their Reconciliation Deadline

Cost Report Exception Detail Report:

  • Displays if the Plan Sponsor is submitting using Connect:Direct only
  • One row for each exception
  • Rejected Cost Reports for assigned Benefit Options
  • Cost Reports submitted in the last 45 days
  • The last rejected Cost Report for the Benefit Option

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Vendor Composite Report Recipient Role

Data Entry Vendors can view the following data in the Summary Report:

Summary Report:

  • One row for each Benefit Option assigned to a Vendor
  • Limited data for Applications with opt-out
  • All Applications less than 90 days past their Reconciliation Deadline

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Connect:Direct Vendors can view the following data in QAR:

Summary Report:

  • One row for each Benefit Option assigned to a Vendor
  • One row for each Benefit Option not assigned to a Vendor, but where a Vendor submitted a Cost Report (some data is suppressed)
  • Limited data for Applications with opt-out
  • All Applications less than 90 days past their Reconciliation Deadline

Cost Reporting Exception Detail Report

  • One row for each exception
  • Cost Reports associated with the Vendor ID rejected in the last 45 days
  • The last rejected Cost Report for the Benefit Option
  • Limited data with opt-out

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