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The RDS Secure Website will be unavailable from approximately 8:25 PM ET to 8:55 PM ET on Thursday, 3/13/2025.

CMS' RDS Center Help Line Telephone Support Will Be Discontinued in March 2015

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will discontinue telephone support through CMS' RDS Center Help Line in March 2015. Information communicating an exact date will be provided soon.

After telephone support has been discontinued, Plan Sponsors will still be able to contact CMS' RDS Center through the following methods:

  • Support Requests: Plan Sponsors are encouraged to begin using the new support request feature in the RDS Secure Website to contact CMS' RDS Center. Support requests allow Plan Sponsors to select from a list of pre-populated topics, issues, and questions and enter details for their request. Step-by-step instructions for using this feature are available in the Submit or Reopen a Support Request section of the RDS User Guide.
  • Email: Plan Sponsors may email inquiries to CMS' RDS Center will respond to an email with an email reply. If the inquiry is about a specific RDS application, please include the following information in an email:
    • Your Name
    • Your Email Address
    • Your Phone Number
    • Your Organization Name
    • Plan Sponsor ID
    • Application ID

Note: Do not include any Protected Health Information (PHI), as defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), in emails or support requests. Please do not send emails with attachments larger than 25mb.

Reminder: User Account Self-Service Now Available

As a reminder, RDS Secure Website users are now able to resolve many account issues for which they previously needed to call CMS' RDS Center Help Line. Users can request a forgotten Login ID, enable their user account, and correct their email address if it is invalid. For more information, including links to RDS Program resources to assist with completing these processes, review the November 21, 2014 announcement.

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