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Submit the Valid Initial Online Application and the Valid Initial Retiree List by the Application Deadline

User Roles:






Program Components:

Annual Plan Application

Retiree Management


This section provides an overview of the following topics related to submitting the Valid Initial Online Application and the Valid Initial Retiree List:

To participate in the Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS) Program, the Plan Sponsor must submit a timely RDS application prior to the expiration of the Application Deadline. For more information about the Application Deadline, including what is required to be submitted by the Application Deadline, refer to Important Application Deadline Information.

Note: Plan Sponsors can view the Application Deadline on the Application Overview and the Review and Submit pages of the RDS Secure Website.

All steps are accessed from the left navigation menu in the RDS Secure Website.

Use the Application Overview page to complete the Application Submission Process, monitor the status of the application, manage the application throughout the application lifecycle, and keep track of deadlines.

The Application Submission Process includes two components: the Valid Initial Online Application and the Valid Initial Retiree List.

Once the submitted application information has been reviewed and processed, a determination email will be sent to the Account Manager and Authorized Representative.

Valid Initial Online Application

The Valid Initial Online Application consists of five steps. The Plan Sponsor defines the details of the application. Then the Authorized Representative signs the Plan Sponsor Agreement and submits the Valid Initial Online Application to CMS' RDS Center.

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Valid Initial Retiree List

Submission of the Valid Initial Retiree List is the first transfer of retiree information from the Plan Sponsor to CMS' RDS Center. The Valid Initial Retiree List is a collection of data about the beneficiaries for whom the Plan Sponsor is seeking subsidy.

A Valid Initial Retiree List can be submitted to CMS' RDS Center after the application has been started, an Application ID is assigned, and Benefit Options have been established. Refer to Application Submission: Valid Initial Retiree List for additional information.

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User Role/Responsibility for Submitting an Application and Valid Initial Retiree List

The Authorized Representative is required to submit the application. The Authorized Representative is the ONLY user role that has the authority to sign the Plan Sponsor Agreement in the RDS Secure Website.

For step-by-step instructions on how to submit an application to CMS' RDS Center using the RDS Secure Website, refer to Application Submission: Review & Submit Application. These instructions are only applicable to the Authorized Representative.

The Account Manager, Authorized Representative, and Designee(s) with the View/Send/Receive Retiree Data privilege can submit a Valid Initial Retiree List using the RDS Secure Website. For more information on submitting retiree information using Connect:Direct, Voluntary Data Sharing Agreement, and Mandatory Insurer Reporting methods, refer to Application Submission: Benefit Options.

Retiree files must include current data for each retiree, including the Application ID and Unique Benefit Option Identifier (UBOI). For more information on the Retiree List Submission Process, refer to Managing Retiree Information.

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Emails About the Application Deadline

If the Plan Sponsor has not submitted a Valid Initial Online Application or a Valid Initial Retiree List, and the deadline to submit that RDS application has passed, CMS' RDS Center sends an email to notify the Plan Sponsor.

For more information about the Application Deadline, including what is required to be submitted by the Application Deadline, refer to Important Application Deadline Information.

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User Role/Responsibility for Requesting an Application Deadline Extension

The Account Manager, Authorized Representative, and Designee(s) with the Request Extension privilege can request a 30-day Application Deadline Extension that is adjusted for weekends and holidays. The one-time Application Deadline Extension may be requested before the Application Deadline using the RDS Secure Website.

For more information about the Application Deadline, including what is required to be submitted by the Application Deadline, refer to Important Application Deadline Information.

For more information on requesting an Application Deadline Extension, refer to Request an Application Deadline Extension.

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