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April 7, 2022 Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS) Webinar: The RDS Secure Website Modernization Launch Webinar Re-Watch Party

User Roles:






Program Components:

User Management

Annual Plan Application

Retiree Management

Payment Setup

Interim Payment


On Thursday, April 7, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS') Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS) Center hosted The RDS Secure Website Modernization Launch Webinar Re-Watch Party about the upcoming Secure Website Modernization initiative that goes live in the evening of April 15, 2022, and how this project will impact the RDS Program. Both Plan Sponsors and Vendors were in attendance.

The video recording is available for viewing at this location:

A transcript of the recording is available for reading at this location:

Please note that the video presentation describes the current state of the project as of the event date. The Secure Website design may change slightly as user feedback is incorporated and additional development activities commence. The webinar conference information is no longer current.

The information provided in this presentation is intended only as a general informal summary. It is not intended to take the place of the statutes, regulations, and formal policy guidance that it is based upon. We encourage RDS program participants to refer to the applicable statutes, regulations, and other interpretive materials for complete and current information about the requirements that apply to them.

During the Webinar, CMS' RDS Center discussed the following topics:

  • RDS Secure Website Modernization
  • Benefits to Users
  • Major Changes
  • High-level Overview of Major Functional Areas
  • Resources for Education, Training, and Support
  • Summary & Wrap Up

Please submit any comments or questions by opening an RDS Secure Website Support Request or submitting an email to CMS' RDS Center:

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